Eclipse won't run current class

Solution 1:

I know it's no longer an issue for the original poster but new programmers may run into this.

You likely forgot to add String[] args in your main method. This means the program will default to running another class, likely whatever was ran last.

public static void main(String[] args) {


This was a really basic issue that anyone with decent experience would likely not think of hence what I assume to be the reason for the lack of replies.

P.S. I just jumped back into coding and ran into this a couple minutes ago.

Solution 2:

You can try right clicking on java file(Balloon) and select Run As java application(it will show this option if you have main method in class).

It did not work then clear the workspace and try to import the project once again. there is chance you have corrupted the workspace.

Solution 3:

Make sure that they are in the src package before they work.