Export/Import DNS Entries - Windows Server 2008 R2

Solution 1:

If this is a standard DNS zone, the easiest way to back it up and restore it is to simply make a copy of the related zone file; you can find it in C:\Windows\System32\DNS, it's named "your.zone.name.dns".

Solution 2:

You can't export the zone via GUI, but you can do it via command line:

dnscmd /zoneexport MYDOMAIN.com MYDOMAIN.com.txt

By default the file MYDOMAIN.com.txt will be created in C:\Windows\System32\dns.

Source: dnscmd.

Solution 3:

That doesn't export the DNS records, it exports a list (txt or csv) of whatever is in the right pane. That's the same functionality as exists in any other tool, such as ADUC.


To clarify, you did not export the DNS records or the zone file. You simply exported a list of the DNS records, or more correctly, you exported a list of the contents of the right pane in the DNS management console. If you want to export the actual zone file then use the dnscmd tool:
