Are there any important points of no return?

Solution 1:

Firstly for an initial point of no return - as soon as you get access to the Sirta vendor in the Hospital ward buy a/the present/s, completing missions removes them quickly before you know their value.

Secondly before beginning Priority: Tuchanka you should finish off as many sidequests as you can, since completing it renders some sidequests as failed. Don't panic about having some remaining in your journal however, a few don't have their locations unlocked for retrieving quest items until later.

Thirdly Priority: Cerberus Headquarters is the point of no return for the rest of the sidequests. You can still use the onboard vendors on the normandy to purchase goods, but because of the price markup on the ship it's better to visit them directly for whatever you need before commencing this mission as well.

Solution 2:

There's one I've come across so far.

Before you cure the genophage, be sure that you've taken care of other matters dealing with Tuchanka as not doing so can affect your war assets.