shortcut : how to get eclipse to go to the ONLY implementation of an interface's method

F3 is the typical "go to implementation". For interfaces that go to the interface definition.

Instead use Ctrl + T to see all implementations of the interface definition. You can then easily go to the one you want with the arrow keys and Enter. I believe that the first one is automatically selected so that Ctrl-T + Enter will do what you need.

I just checked this on my Eclipse 3.6 install: Hold control (command on Mac), hover over the method name and select "Open Implementation".

You may assign a keyboard shortcut to this action by using Window > Preferences > General > Keys and searching for "Open Implementation".

In the keymap (General > Keys) search for "open implementation" and map it to whatever you want. I chose Ctrl + Shift + I. Make sure you select "Editing Java Source" in the When box. I tested it, and having the cursor over the method name and pressing Ctrl + Shift + I took me directly to the implementation instead of showing the hierarchy that you get with Ctrl + T.

enter image description here

Also you can see an answer to a nearly identical question for other options:

  • In eclipse, ctrl-click goes to the declaration of the method I clicked. For interfaces with one implementation, how can I just directly to that implementation?