How to search a specific value in all tables (PostgreSQL)?

Solution 1:

How about dumping the contents of the database, then using grep?

$ pg_dump --data-only --inserts -U postgres your-db-name > a.tmp
$ grep United a.tmp
INSERT INTO countries VALUES ('US', 'United States');
INSERT INTO countries VALUES ('GB', 'United Kingdom');

The same utility, pg_dump, can include column names in the output. Just change --inserts to --column-inserts. That way you can search for specific column names, too. But if I were looking for column names, I'd probably dump the schema instead of the data.

$ pg_dump --data-only --column-inserts -U postgres your-db-name > a.tmp
$ grep country_code a.tmp
INSERT INTO countries (iso_country_code, iso_country_name) VALUES ('US', 'United  States');
INSERT INTO countries (iso_country_code, iso_country_name) VALUES ('GB', 'United Kingdom');

Solution 2:

Here's a pl/pgsql function that locates records where any column contains a specific value. It takes as arguments the value to search in text format, an array of table names to search into (defaults to all tables) and an array of schema names (defaults all schema names).

It returns a table structure with schema, name of table, name of column and pseudo-column ctid (non-durable physical location of the row in the table, see System Columns)

    needle text,
    haystack_tables name[] default '{}',
    haystack_schema name[] default '{}'
RETURNS table(schemaname text, tablename text, columnname text, rowctid text)
AS $$
  FOR schemaname,tablename,columnname IN
      SELECT c.table_schema,c.table_name,c.column_name
      FROM information_schema.columns c
        JOIN information_schema.tables t ON
          (t.table_name=c.table_name AND t.table_schema=c.table_schema)
        JOIN information_schema.table_privileges p ON
          (t.table_name=p.table_name AND t.table_schema=p.table_schema
              AND p.privilege_type='SELECT')
        JOIN information_schema.schemata s ON
      WHERE (c.table_name=ANY(haystack_tables) OR haystack_tables='{}')
        AND (c.table_schema=ANY(haystack_schema) OR haystack_schema='{}')
        AND t.table_type='BASE TABLE'
    FOR rowctid IN
      EXECUTE format('SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE cast(%I as text)=%L',
      -- uncomment next line to get some progress report
      -- RAISE NOTICE 'hit in %.%', schemaname, tablename;
$$ language plpgsql;

See also the version on github based on the same principle but adding some speed and reporting improvements.

Examples of use in a test database:

  • Search in all tables within public schema:
select * from search_columns('foobar');
 schemaname | tablename | columnname | rowctid 
 public     | s3        | usename    | (0,11)
 public     | s2        | relname    | (7,29)
 public     | w         | body       | (0,2)
(3 rows)
  • Search in a specific table:
 select * from search_columns('foobar','{w}');
 schemaname | tablename | columnname | rowctid 
 public     | w         | body       | (0,2)
(1 row)
  • Search in a subset of tables obtained from a select:
select * from search_columns('foobar', array(select table_name::name from information_schema.tables where table_name like 's%'), array['public']);
 schemaname | tablename | columnname | rowctid 
 public     | s2        | relname    | (7,29)
 public     | s3        | usename    | (0,11)
(2 rows)
  • Get a result row with the corresponding base table and and ctid:
select * from public.w where ctid='(0,2)';
 title |  body  |         tsv         
 toto  | foobar | 'foobar':2 'toto':1


  • To test against a regular expression instead of strict equality, like grep, this part of the query:

    SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE cast(%I as text)=%L

    may be changed to:

    SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE cast(%I as text) ~ %L

  • For case insensitive comparisons, you could write:

    SELECT ctid FROM %I.%I WHERE lower(cast(%I as text)) = lower(%L)

Solution 3:

to search every column of every table for a particular value

This does not define how to match exactly.
Nor does it define what to return exactly.


  • Find any row with any column containing the given value in its text representation - as opposed to equaling the given value.
  • Return the table name (regclass) and the tuple ID (ctid), because that's simplest.

Here is a dead simple, fast and slightly dirty way:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_whole_db(_like_pattern text)
  RETURNS TABLE(_tbl regclass, _ctid tid) AS
   FOR _tbl IN
      SELECT c.oid::regclass
      FROM   pg_class c
      JOIN   pg_namespace n ON n.oid = relnamespace
      WHERE  c.relkind = 'r'                           -- only tables
      AND    n.nspname !~ '^(pg_|information_schema)'  -- exclude system schemas
      ORDER BY n.nspname, c.relname
         'SELECT $1, ctid FROM %s t WHERE t::text ~~ %L'
       , _tbl, '%' || _like_pattern || '%')
      USING _tbl;
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM search_whole_db('mypattern');

Provide the search pattern without enclosing %.

Why slightly dirty?

If separators and decorators for the row in text representation can be part of the search pattern, there can be false positives:

  • column separator: , by default
  • whole row is enclosed in parentheses:()
  • some values are enclosed in double quotes "
  • \ may be added as escape char

And the text representation of some columns may depend on local settings - but that ambiguity is inherent to the question, not to my solution.

Each qualifying row is returned once only, even when it matches multiple times (as opposed to other answers here).

This searches the whole DB except for system catalogs. Will typically take a long time to finish. You might want to restrict to certain schemas / tables (or even columns) like demonstrated in other answers. Or add notices and a progress indicator, also demonstrated in another answer.

The regclass object identifier type is represented as table name, schema-qualified where necessary to disambiguate according to the current search_path:

  • Find the referenced table name using table, field and schema name

What is the ctid?

  • How do I decompose ctid into page and row numbers?

You might want to escape characters with special meaning in the search pattern. See:

  • Escape function for regular expression or LIKE patterns

Solution 4:

There is a way to achieve this without creating a function or using an external tool. By using Postgres' query_to_xml() function that can dynamically run a query inside another query, it's possible to search a text across many tables. This is based on my answer to retrieve the rowcount for all tables:

To search for the string foo across all tables in a schema, the following can be used:

with found_rows as (
  select format('%I.%I', table_schema, table_name) as table_name,
         query_to_xml(format('select to_jsonb(t) as table_row 
                              from %I.%I as t 
                              where t::text like ''%%foo%%'' ', table_schema, table_name), 
                      true, false, '') as table_rows
  from information_schema.tables 
  where table_schema = 'public'
select table_name, x.table_row
from found_rows f
  left join xmltable('//table/row' 
                     passing table_rows
                         table_row text path 'table_row') as x on true

Note that the use of xmltable requires Postgres 10 or newer. For older Postgres version, this can be also done using xpath().

with found_rows as (
  select format('%I.%I', table_schema, table_name) as table_name,
         query_to_xml(format('select to_jsonb(t) as table_row 
                              from %I.%I as t 
                              where t::text like ''%%foo%%'' ', table_schema, table_name), 
                      true, false, '') as table_rows
  from information_schema.tables 
  where table_schema = 'public'
select table_name, x.table_row
from found_rows f
   cross join unnest(xpath('/table/row/table_row/text()', table_rows)) as r(data)

The common table expression (WITH ...) is only used for convenience. It loops through all tables in the public schema. For each table the following query is run through the query_to_xml() function:

select to_jsonb(t)
from some_table t
where t::text like '%foo%';

The where clause is used to make sure the expensive generation of XML content is only done for rows that contain the search string. This might return something like this:

<table xmlns:xsi="">
  <table_row>{"id": 42, "some_column": "foobar"}</table_row>

The conversion of the complete row to jsonb is done, so that in the result one could see which value belongs to which column.

The above might return something like this:

table_name   |   table_row
-------------+----------------------------------------   |  {"id": 1, "some_column": "foobar"}   |  {"id": 42, "another_column": "barfoo"}

Online example for Postgres 10+

Online example for older Postgres versions