A word for non-supernatural “superstitions”? [duplicate]

I’m talking about widely held beliefs that are perceived to be rooted in science or what is falsely believed to be rooted in science, but are perhaps overgeneralized or taken out of context to the point they are pseudoscientific.

Things like:

Birds/rabbits will reject their young if they smell that a human touched them.

The human body isn’t designed to drink cow’s milk and it’s bad for you

“Chinese restaurant syndrome” due to MSG

Boiling water in the microwave is somehow worse or more dangerous than using a kettle.

Gluten is bad for you, widespread belief in gluten sensitivity

Cellphones can cause cancer due to radiation they emit.

Swimming right after you eat can be dangerous

Any amount of chocolate or grapes/raisins are ‘poisonous’ to dogs


Myth 2.a. A widespread but untrue or erroneous story or belief; a widely held misconception; a misrepresentation of the truth.

1911 Encycl. Brit. XV. 593/1 The jus [sc. the jus primae noctis or droit du seigneur], it seems, is a myth, invented no earlier than the 16th or 17th century.

1973 Times 13 Nov. 6/6 There is a myth going around that there are an awful lot of empty houses in Windsor Great Park.

1997 Guardian 9 June i. 4/3 The researchers suggest women who claim to be suffering from PMS are instead affected by random depression... PMS, they conclude, is a myth.