Can a Windows 7 Ultimate product key be used for virtual machines as well? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

No, only one XP instance for the XP Mode feature is normally allowed on Ultimate. But if you have Software Assurance, it comes with virtual OS rights for Enterprise and Ultimate which allow you to run four virtual instances of the operating system on the same hardware.

For reference see this post.

Also check out Windows 7 modifies license rights. And Enterprise is a benefit of Software Assurance, so you can't get Enterprise without Software Assurance - hence Enterprise is by default covered by Virtual OS rights.

***Even windows 7 ultimate can be used. The only difference is you can install it on only one virtual platform and cant setup 4 machines like software Assurance

Solution 2:

From the windows 7 ultimate Software licence terms:

Use with Virtualization Technologies: Instead of using the software directly on the licensed computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system on the licensed computer.

This seems to mean that a virtual machine is exactly like a separate physical machine when it comes to licencing. ("Instead of...").

The deal where you get to run 4 VM's on one licence seems to be part of a separate add-on licencing deal (software assurance), not the standard licence.

Solution 3:

It depends on how long you need the VMs for. If you don't need them for too long, or don't mind re-installing every once in a while, just use a trial version and don't activate it.

See this little gem from Microsoft. Specifically this line.

In development and testing environments that use retail editions, take advantage of the grace period.