Resetting GTK Settings: Ambiance Menu Colors

Whenever I use either Ambiance, or a theme that is based off of Ambiance (Ambiance-Colors for example), the menu text for the unity menus as well as all drop down menus is dark, like so:

The unavailable menu items, i.e. the grayed out entries, are their normal color. I have attempted to do the following. Note I am on 14.04:

  • Reinstall light-themes package, and gtk3.0 package
  • dconf reset -f /org/compiz
  • Remove .gtk-2.0 , 3.0, .gnome2, .gnome folders, as well as similar folders in .config

Solution 1:

I had the same problem.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgtk-3-common light-themes gtk3.0
dconf reset -f /org/compiz
sudo reboot

And it was OK for me!

it is all those things, described in previous 2 posts!

Solution 2:

After force reinstalling libgtk-3-common and restarting my machine, the issue has been fixed. Seems as if I removed a file that belonged to this package, or otherwise modified it.