Meaning of the word "Honking"

In'The Zen of Python', the last line states:

"Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!"

  • What is the meaning of the word "honking" in this sentence? I have read another question about the word "honking" in What does "honking" mean in this context? and they said: "Big honking [x]" is a colloquial way of saying very big [x]. Do these words have same meaning or the "honking" in the line has another meaning ?

It's a minced oath for 'fucking'.

Its effect is that instead of being vulgar and using the more taboo word, you replace it with something that sounds vaguely like it.


That is a great honking idea.

'honking is merely an intensifier, like its much more common taboo version. There is no literal implication of something that honks. It simply sounds like the much more taboo word.

In this context, it means very. Or, in other words, it is an intensifier.

I think honking has the following connotation as suggested by Green’s Dictionary of Slang

honking adj.2

(US campus) enormous, huge.

  • 1989 [US] P. Munro Sl. U. 110: We have a honking textbook in my management class.

  • 1992 [US] D. Burke Street Talk 2 19: Can you believe the honkin’ amount of homework I have to do?

  • 1997–2002 [US] Hope College ‘Dict. of New Terms’ [Internet] honkin adj. Physical state of object, person, or thing that is relatively big, large in size.

so honking in “a honking great idea” is used as a superlative.