Is there a word to describe mature or adult plants?

I know that adult is most often used to describe a mature human-being, and that mature is a broader usage word, describing everything form animals to cheese. Also that a young tree is a there an equivalent word for a mature plant, tree or shrubbery? Or are we stuck with using mature/adult?

Is there a technical terms for when a plant has stopped growing in height, and is first able to produce fruit/flowers?

Solution 1:

You can use full-grown to express that idea. Adult and mature aren't commonly used for plants.

EDIT upon comment: I did a bit of research after FumbleFingers' comment and I found that you can use mature for trees. I'd still use full-grown, but it isn't the only option you have.

Solution 2:

Established is also used within plant-physiology. Both adult and mature are also quite acceptable, however.