How long would it take to beat Mass Effect 1 & 2 [duplicate]

I am trying to get ready for ME 3, assuming I played to win, and not for completion. However I have never played the earlier two games before, nor do I have a strategy guide. How long would it reasonably take to complete them and be ready for ME 3.

Solution 1:

How Long To Beat has cross-platform averages for Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, shown below (although I would I consider these to be a bit high, it's all very dependant on the player, obviously):

                Main        Main Plus    Completionist
Mass Effect     17:11:56    30:44:28     48:26:54
Mass Effect 2   26:09:34    36:48:34     47:19:13

Main is the barebones main quests, no side missions etc, so is what you're asking for.

However, Main Plus includes additional side missions, etc, so if you just play "normally" instead of speeding through (and you should, a lot of ME1 and ME2 side mission results are carried forward to influence the later games so if your aim is to play the series it'd be a waste to skip these) then this is probably more representative of what you need.