Disable Alt + F1 keyboard shortcut in Cinnamon

I am running Linux Mint 14 with Cinnamon. Currently Alt + F1 opens the 'Expo' mode, showing all workspaces.

I would simply like to unbind/disable this shortcut. Where can I do this? I have searched through the standard keyboard shortcuts in the Cinnamon settings as well as in gconf-editor, to no avail.

Solution 1:

To free Alt+F1 run:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings panel-main-menu "[]"

To revert back run:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings panel-main-menu "['<Alt>F1']"

A logout might be necessary to activate these settings...

I got these from a colleague, whose source was Ask Ubuntu. He adds: "This is for Gnome3 but also applies to Muffin (Cinnamon's window manager) as it is a fork of Mutter (Gnome3's window manager)."

Solution 2:

Under Linux Mint 16 "Petra" Cinnamon, I had a similar problem. Removing the Keyboard shortcuts under gnome-control-center and cinnamon-control-center had no effect. Solution that worked for me:

  • run dconf-editor
  • navigate to org.cinnamon.muffin.keybindings
  • for panel-main-menu, replace ['<Alt>F1'] with []
  • logout & login

(props to Nick Fortescue @ Superuser and michael-schaller @ github )

Solution 3:

Above solutions worked for me for some time, but since last system upgrade (Arch linux), the metacity package has been replaced with muffin (if I undersetand correctly..), so if this stopped working for you too, try searching those keybindings inside path: org.cinnamon.muffin.keybindings instead of org.gnome....