Word for sensation "eyes becoming black when stand up"

There is a feeling or sensation when you stand up suddenly and you feel giddy and your eyes turn black. That's how we say in our native language. The sensation is like everything disappears and you don't see anything even though your eyes are open. You only see black... Is there a word for that sensation (eyes becoming black)?

I searched a lot but didn't find anything. Could you help me please?

Thanks a lot.

Ah, I think what you're referring to is tunnel vision, one of the possible side-effects of postural hypotension.

It is described here by Wikipedia, including many possible causes, and illustrations showing impressions of the effect.

This CDC article includes it as being a possible result of postural hypotension:


• Dizziness or lightheadedness

• Feeling about to faint, passing out, or falling

• Headaches, blurry or tunnel vision

• Feeling vague or muddled ...

Medically it's syncope (can happen after a sudden drop in blood pressure), what was during restoration times known as "a touch of the vapours" (referring to the sal volatile - ammonum salts used to revive people); though this was a catch-all term for various conditions, physical and emotional.

Lightheadedness or dizziness (a sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance. Oxford) would be more common now.