Which are the non-x text editors in Powershell?

Are there some editors like emacs, vi/vim, specifically for power shell, if so which are the best?

I will have to do some work on windows and I need some unix productivity - which means for me shell + text editor with syntax highlighting (for python, java, c, c++), so which are my options?

I'm looking for an alternative at vim or other unix editors, and cygwin is not an option. I just want from the command line to say texteditor_name file1, modify it, save it etc, and all of these to happen inside the terminal, not in another interface etc.

Solution 1:

Vim is available as a straight-up Windows port if you prefer it. I have an older version that installed itself with batch files; that doesn't integrate into Cygwin so well, but it's workable. I haven't tried v7 yet.

I'm sure there's Emacs for Windows, but I'll let you dig that link up on your own. ;)

Solution 2:

why not use vim with 'powershell syntax'?

Solution 3:

A little late to the party but this editor works great from the command line.

Kinesics Text Editor http://www.turtlewar.org/projects/editor/

It also has a UI version as well.

After install you can use it at the command line by typing 'k'.

Solution 4:

What I did was grabbed Nano w. the WinNT binary from: http://www.nano-editor.org/download.php

I threw that folder into an idea folder and then added it to the Windows System PATH. :3 (Start -> Right Click "Computer" -> Properties -> System protection -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System variables.)