Windows 8 Hyper-V network not working on host

Solution 1:

I would recommend against using a wireless connection with Hyper-V, as it can cause no end of issues when trying to connect to networks.

You could try changing your Hyper-V network to an Internal network:

enter image description here

This appears as a new virtual network adapter in your host:

enter image description here

Then depending on your needs, either enable Internet Connection Sharing on your wireless adapter:

enter image description here

or bridge the new internal adapter and your wireless one (ignore that this screenshot shows two virtual networks):

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You have to enable "Allow management operating system to share this network adapter". But it seems that there is a bug. If you create an external network connection with this check mark set then only your guests have internet connection. uncheck this feature, apply settings and than redo.

Check > Apply > uncheck > Apply > Check > Apply. I tried to get this working for several hours. Thanks microsoft for this bug.

Network bridging or sharing internet connection is a very bad idea and not the right solution. It makes sense if you are in a private network at home with only one network adapter, but if you have more than one interface in a business environment then do it right, not with a workaround.