Can I restart my Mac remotely via screen sharing if the screen shows only linen?

Solution 1:

So apparently you can use the Back To My Mac infrastructure to get to SSH even if there's no port open on the router in front of the relevant Mac:

Find your iCloud account number by executing this command in terminal:

dns-sd -E

Example output

Looking for recommended registration domains:
Timestamp     Recommended Registration domain
23:45:15.660  Added     (More)               local
23:45:15.660  Added                
                                             - > btmm
                                             - - > members
                                             - - - > 123456789

(Make a note of the number on the last line, in this case 123456789 (this is just an example).

The hostname you need to use for ssh is <computer's local hostname>.<number above> Replace spaces with hyphens, and omit apostrophes (the default name is "Name's <type of Mac>")

The command I used therefore was:

ssh -2 -6

To complete the solution to my problem (rebooting), once logged in via SSH, I used the following command to restart:

sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now

(Sourced from here)