Keeping ssh connections open on Windows?

I know that on Unix Systems, you can keep an ssh connection open.

Step 1: Create a ssh configuration, for example:

 Host <>
 ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p
 ControlPersist yes

Step 2: Start ssh with the -M parameter.

Is there something equivalent under Windows to reuse ssh connections? Maybe I looked at the wrong places, but I didn't find any good links on this topic.

(I tried my approach from above in a MingGW environment (using MingGW's ssh client). In real Unix system, it should have created a special socket file in ~/.ssh, but that functionality does not seem to be supported by MingGW.)

You need to use openssh for windows, either through cygwin, or this port:

You are talking about two different things:

Your subject indicates keeping connections open indefinitely, where my answer would be: If you are using puTTY, then you can set a keepalive in the configuration of a session: Configuration => Connection: Sending of null packets to keep session active Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off)

Your text indicates connection sharing. No idea for puTTY with that.

Kind regards, Viktor Zacek