Karate - Match two dynamic responses

Solution 1:

For a simpler example that can give you a better understanding of the concept, especially karate.map() which can even be used on nested JSON structures, see here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65036047/143475

And also read the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate#json-transforms

* def response = 
         "serviceDescription":"Checking Main Service",
            "serviceDescription":"Checking AddOn Service",
            "serviceDescription":"Checking SecondAddOn Service",
* def source =
         "featureName":"Checking Main Service",
            "featureName":"Checking SecondAddOn Service",
            "featureName":"Checking AddOn Service",
* def feature = source.webServiceDetail.feature
* set expected.webServiceSummary.service
| path               | value                |
| serviceCd          | feature.featureCd    |
| serviceDescription | feature.featureName  |
| hypotheticalInd    | feature.imaginaryInd |
| realInd            | feature.actualInd    |

* def mapper = function(x){ return { serviceCd: x.featureCd, serviceDescription: x.featureName, hypotheticalInd: x.imaginaryInd, realInd: x.actualInd } }
* def expectedList = karate.map(source.webServiceDetail.includefeatureList, mapper)
* set expected.webServiceSummary.includeServicesList = '#(^expectedList)'
* print expected
* match response == expected