Is it possible to make a recursive SQL query?

I have a table similar to this:

CREATE TABLE example (
  id integer primary key,
  name char(200),
  parentid integer,
  value integer);

I can use the parentid field to arrange data into a tree structure.

Now here's the bit I can't work out. Given a parentid, is it possible to write an SQL statement to add up all the value fields under that parentid and recurse down the branch of the tree ?

UPDATE: I'm using posgreSQL so the fancy MS-SQL features are not available to me. In any case, I'd like this to be treated as a generic SQL question.

BTW, I'm very impressed to have 6 answers within 15 minutes of asking the question! Go stack overflow!

Here is an example script using common table expression:

with recursive sumthis(id, val) as (
    select id, value
    from example
    where id = :selectedid
    union all
    select, C.value
    from sumthis P
    inner join example C on = C.parentid
select sum(val) from sumthis

The script above creates a 'virtual' table called sumthis that has columns id and val. It is defined as the result of two selects merged with union all.

First select gets the root (where id = :selectedid).

Second select follows the children of the previous results iteratively until there is nothing to return.

The end result can then be processed like a normal table. In this case the val column is summed.

Since version 8.4, PostgreSQL has recursive query support for common table expressions using the SQL standard WITH syntax.

If you want a portable solution that will work on any ANSI SQL-92 RDBMS, you will need to add a new column to your table.

Joe Celko is the original author of the Nested Sets approach to storing hierarchies in SQL. You can Google "nested sets" hierarchy to understand more about the background.

Or you can just rename parentid to leftid and add a rightid.

Here is my attempt to summarize Nested Sets, which will fall woefully short because I'm no Joe Celko: SQL is a set-based language, and the adjacency model (storing parent ID) is NOT a set-based representation of a hierarchy. Therefore there is no pure set-based method to query an adjacency schema.

However, most of the major platforms have introduced extensions in recent years to deal with this precise problem. So if someone replies with a Postgres-specific solution, use that by all means.