How do I connect to a SOCKS Proxy from an iPhone/iPod Touch?

Well I guess, there's no better way to do it. Darn you Apple, is it so hard to put a SOCKS Proxy setting in the iPhone OS network settings panel? :-(

Anyway, the best answer so far, and the only one I could find on the Net, is from a document from the SNIPPLR Code 2.0 website entitled How To Connect To A SOCKS Proxy From An Unjailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch.

Below is a cleaned up version of their solution:

Let's say, perhaps, that you are already forwarding your web traffic through an SSH/SOCKS tunnel at work (for privacy reasons) and you would like to use that same tunnel on your iPhone/iPod Touch. This is actually pretty easy to accomplish.

  1. Make sure the SOCKS tunnel on your work computer allows LAN connections so your iPhone/iPod Touch can connect to it.

    ssh -N -g -D 1080 [email protected]
  2. Create a text file and insert the following code:

    function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
         return "SOCKS 192.168.xx.xx:yyyy";

    Replace the x's with your IP and the y's with the port you used after the -D in your SSH command

  3. Save the text file as a Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) file to a web accessible place with a .pac extension.

    If you're reading this chances are you know how to serve a file over HTTP on your work LAN, so I won't delve into that.

  4. Finally, on your iPhone/iPod Touch, go to Settings → Wi-Fi and click the blue arrow to the right of your work network. Scroll to the bottom, click Auto and type in the address to your PAC file (e.g. http://192.168.xx.xx/mysupersecretproxy.pac).

Now you can surf the web securely from your iPhone/iPod touch.

Wow thanks for that last answer.

Together with this "SSH to get your iPhone online via USB cable" blog post, I came up with a pretty solid instant reverse SSH/SOCKS solution over USB tether given only an SSH server somewhere on your network. This allows all my tcp-based apps to use an SSH server's internet across USB despite my WiFi being defective and not having a strong phone data plan (T-Mobile Prepaid).

No proxy server configuration required.

The gist of the blog post is that you CAN control the proxy from the command line. Use the file:


Find the "ip1" section (if you want to replace GPRS/EDGE/3G interface) like:


Be careful that you got the ip1 section if you want to override EDGE/3G! Do not look for the other Proxies entries in the file.

Then add the following section afterwards:


Then use your trick to specify an SOCKS proxy in the file we just specified:



function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
     return "SOCKS";

Change permissions on proxy.pac to 777 (all can read, write, execute).

Reboot the iPhone.

Download iTunnel for iTunes 9 (older versions are available too). (

Create a new Putty Connection: in Connection>SSH>Tunnels section add new forwarded "remote" port, like port 202 on the iPhone to your internet-facing SSH server (say,

Source Port: 202

In the SSH section of the same Putty Connection set your Remote Commmand to:

ssh -D 1080 [email protected] -p 202

Save your Putty configuration to a new named session.

Optionally generate keys & add the public keys to *~/.ssh/authorized_keys* to both ends so you don't need to type passwords. Use putty.exe -load "Profile Name" in a shortcut to speed it up even more.