What word/phrase captures this ‘reverberation’ effect? [duplicate]

Consider the following scenario if you were at a music concert:

  • A singer sings into a microphone
  • The sound comes out from the speakers
  • The sound from the speaker is picked up by the microphone
  • The sound comes out from the speakers
  • The sound from the speaker is picked up by the microphone
  • ...

This kind of loop can manifest itself in other ways. E.g. happiness breeds success, success breeds happiness which breeds success, and so on.

What’s the best word/phrase that captures this phenomenon?

The first case is specifically referred to as Audio Feedback or Acoustic Feedback or even simply feedback

As for the general case you mentioned, it could be called a self-perpetuating cycle.

The terms vicious/virtuous cycle are also used depending on the favorability of the repeating outcomes