Can "way" be used as a verb?

There are such lines in the song "Eyes of the World" ("Rainbow", a British rock band):

Evil moves, evil ways With his back to the wall

and later

Evil takes, evil kills With no shame or concern

Can "Evil" be a subject in all these cases with predicates "moves", "ways", "takes" and "kills"? In all online dictionaries "way" is a noun, but if it is a noun, "evil ways with his back to the wall" looks very weird. Can "way" be used as a verb here?

Thank you for your answers.

Solution 1:

but if it is a noun, "evil ways with his back to the wall" looks very weird.

It looks weird, but it isn't.

Way / Ways (noun)


III. A course of action or behaviour; a means, a manner, a method.

16.a. A path or course of life; a person's activities and fortunes in life, esp. when considered from an ethical or spiritual point of view.

b. In plural. A person's habitual conduct viewed with regard to its morality.

2006 Sight & Sound Sept. 48/1 The message is: bullies must learn the errors of their ways by enduring a taste of their own medicine.

Move/ moves is also a noun = movement; a premeditated action; a gambit.

2007 The Doctor Who Transcripts - The Infinite Quest DOCTOR: Ah, ah, ah. Me first. (sotto) I thought Swabb would have made his move by now.