How can I disable the Universal Access Settings icon?

In Gnome 3 on the top right corner I have this universal access icon with all these options which I am not intending to use in the meanwhile. How can I disable/hide the useless for me icon there?

Solution 1:

Edit the file /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/panel.js

Comment out this line like so:

//'a11y': imports.ui.status.accessibility.ATIndicator,

Full article here.

Solution 2:

There is an extension for that called GNOME Shell noa11y, which removes the Accessibility icon from the GNOME Shell system status area.

more information here.

Solution 3:

In 3.5 and I believe 3.4 the function was moved to


if you comment out line 11

'a11y': imports.ui.status.accessibility.ATIndicator,

it will disable calling the accessibility icon

I also posted a solution at Gnome Shell Remove Accessibility Icon

Solution 4:

For GNOME 3.6 there is an extension at that solves the problem. It worked for me in Ubuntu 12.10.

Solution 5:

I recently had this problem, but it appeared out of nowhere, one day. Of course, editing configuration files is doable, but not my purpose.

But apparently if you have one of the options there activated, the menu automatically appears. In my case, I had the scaling factor of the text at 1.01 (instead of 1.00), which triggered the "Large Text" configuration, which forced the icon. Simply disabling it (and thus, resetting the scaling factor to 1.00), did the trick.

So if you don't need any of the accessibility features (or they are just on by accident), disabling all of them will probably make the icon disappear.