Is it possible to damage or target Fiora during her ultimate?

What you can do, is use some aoe, she can't be targetted by the enemy team but she can still get damage from persistent aoe. For example Morgana's aoe pool, while dancing around in the pool it can still damage her. Aoe slows will work aswell since when she stops waltzing she might be slowed making it easyer to kill her. Thus in team fights you might die but your team will be able to kill the squishy dancer.(I'm not sure but maybe for example Ziggs can still lay down his minefield, and she may hit em while waltzing.)

P.s. noticed this last night but towers still fire on her while waltzing... don't know if this is a bug of planned. Anyway the official website sais not targeted by enemy team, it doesn't say anything about towers.

Edit: You can also spread out and take the full force of the ultimate, since it does less damage the second hit she does. I think it is 25% the next attack on the target. Or you can stand close to eachother with 4 and let others tank a few hits but they will take 100% damage the first hit so that might not be so good.

According to her information page on the official League of Legends website:

Blade Waltz not only deals damage, it also prevents you from being targeted by the enemy team.

So, as sad as it is to say, I fear your strategy may be the only option.


As it shows in Rift Myths, Fiora CAN be targeted by Shen while in her ultimate.

And Jax Can avoid Fiora's ultimate too.

Also Akali cancels Fiora's ultimate when she enter in her shroud.

Spotlight by Phreak At 04:02 he start a team fight and quote this "Once I get low, I target her (Ashe) with Blade Waltz. It takes me out of combat, so I stop taking damage..."

When you use Blade Waltz you dash to the target, like when Maokai use Twisted advance. If the person use flash Fiora will follow the target until he stops. This is why he advise you to jump to near some turret, so when Fiora land (after Blade Waltz) she will be hitted by turret.

You can Flash to your allies, will work as good as the turret.

Good strategy:

  1. Stay near/flash to your turret/alies. When her ult finish she will be in BIG troble. The problem in jump to your allies is, they will get damage from her ult, so be careful.
  2. Use Zhonya's Hourglass until her ult finish. You will avoid the damage from it.
  3. If you are nunu, you can start your ult, when her ult finish, your ult will be probably near to end, then BOOM =)