Combined vMotion and SvMotion via the vSphere Command-Line interface

Since vSphere 5.x we can now request a combined vMotion and Storage vMotion at the same time via the Web Client - but can it be done via the CLI (not PowerCLI)?

I've read the documentation for 5.1 CLI and googled it pretty hard but I can't find any reference. Also if I do find an answer I thought it should have a place for it be easier to find.

can it be done via the CLI (not PowerCLI)?

You really need to clarify what you mean when you say "not PowerCLI". There's the VMA, and then there's right-on-an-ESX-server.

However I've recently taken the courses for vSphere 5...

The two operations require very different things, and are done sequentially (one-after-another) instead of simultaneously when you use the Web-based UI.

That means when you do it from the VMA command line, you have to do two different things. (What your asking isn't possible directly from the ESX servers, as far as I could tell)