Differentiating between multiple runas account windows

Solution 1:

I did find a way to address this via AutoIt. It isn't perfect but I can get most of my windows labeled. My users can launch this and have it run in the background as needed.

#Include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPIEx.au3>
While ( True ) 
    Sleep( 100 )
    Local $PID = 0
        $handle = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]", "") 
        $iPID = WinGetProcess($handle)
    Until $iPID > 0
    Local $aUser = _WinAPI_GetProcessUser($PID)
    $title = WinGetTitle ( $handle )
    $result = StringInStr($title, "Owned By")

    If ( $Result == 0 ) Then
        WinSetTitle($handle, "", $title & " - Owned By " & $UserName)
        $title = WinGetTitle ( $handle )