notify-send does nothing, yet, libnotify is installed

I am trying to use notify-send, but it doesn't display.

I am reasonably sure I have the correct packages installed, but I am not expert in configuring the notification settings.

I know I have some sort of notification package working - I get notifications from Pidgin (sporadically).

What is the correct configuration for notify-send to operate correctly?

  • I have libnotify-bin installed

  • I have the notification-daemon installed

There are no special configuration files as far as I know so I would try and reinstall the package

sudo apt-get --reinstall install libnotify-bin notify-osd

In my case, the notification was not displayed because I had netbeans in full screen mode in the background.

For some weird reason, the message was getting hidden.

In my case, it only works with a zero time limit (-t 0) or with critical urgency (-u critical).

notify-send -t 0 "Nagging you."
notify-send -u critical "It's critical"

In my case is because of I accidentally disable Notification Banners settings.

enter image description here

Note that this answer might not relevant to OP case which claims that Pidgin is working. But it should help someone based on the question title.

You need to install libnotify-bin to be able to use the "notify-send" command.