How do I list all connected Salt Stack minions?

Solution 1:

The official answer:

salt-run manage.up

Also useful are:

salt-run manage.status

salt-run manage.down

Solution 2:

From the master type:

ls -1 /var/cache/salt/master/minions


ls -1 /etc/salt/pki/master/minions

Entering a faulty salt query (ex. salt '*' -) will also return a list of all the minions each followed by a message stating that the command is not available. You can grep/cut away the extraneous characters. Neither of these options are particularly elegant and the later doesn't address the timeout but it works while I'm looking for an answer to a similar question; "How to list all associated minions via the saltstack python api?".

Solution 3:

"salt-key -L" will list all minions that whose public keys you've accepted on your master.