Docker build taking too long when installing grpcio via pip

I have a Dockerfile which installs a few packages via pip. Some of them are requiring grpcio, and it takes a few minutes only to build this part.

Does anyone have a tip to speed up this part?

Installing collected packages: python-dateutil, azure-common, azure-nspkg, azure-storage, jmespath, docutils, botocore, s3transfer, boto3, smmap2, gitdb2, GitPython, grpcio, protobuf, googleapis-common-protos, grpc-google-iam-v1, pytz, google-api-core, google-cloud-pubsub
Found existing installation: python-dateutil 2.7.3
  Uninstalling python-dateutil-2.7.3:
    Successfully uninstalled python-dateutil-2.7.3
Running install for grpcio: started
Running install for grpcio: still running...
Running install for grpcio: still running...
Running install for grpcio: still running...


I had the same issue and it was solved by upgrading pip:

$ pip3 install --upgrade pip

Here's a word from one of the maintainers of grpc project:

  • pip grpcio install is (still) very slow #22815

Had the same issue, fixed it by using a virtualenv and a multistage dockerfile :

FROM python:3.7-slim as base

# ---- compile image -----------------------------------------------
FROM base AS compile-image
RUN apt-get update \
  && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  build-essential \

RUN python -m venv /app/env
ENV PATH="/app/env/bin:$PATH"

COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
# pip install is fast here (while slow without the venv) :
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# ---- build image -----------------------------------------------
FROM base AS build-image
COPY --from=compile-image /app/env /app/env

# Make sure we use the virtualenv:
ENV PATH="/app/env/bin:$PATH"
COPY . /app

Here is my requirements.txt :
