Anonymous IComparer implementation

Is it possible to define an anonymous implementation of IComparer?

I believe Java allows anonymous classes to be defined inline - does C#?

Looking at this code I want to define a custom IComparer inline

public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(
    this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
    Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
    IComparer<TKey> comparer

As indicated in one of the comments below, .Net 4.5 allows this via a static method on the Comparer<> class, e.g. comparing two objects based on the value of a property in the class:

var comparer = Comparer<KilowattSnapshot>.Create( 
        (k1, k2) => k1.Kilowatt.CompareTo(k2.Kilowatt) );

Obviously this can be used inline rather than assigned to a variable.

Even though you can't create anonymous classes that implement interfaces, you can usually use the Comparison Delegate instead of the IComparer Interface in most cases (like sorting, etc.):

Array.Sort(arr, (x, y) => 1);

Also there are some built-in implementations of IComparer like the Comparer Class or the StringComparer Class...

The .NET framework version 4.5 provides the method Comparer.Create(Comparison) to create comparers based on a specified comparison delegate (which can be a lambda function). However people who are working with earlier versions of .NET will probably need to implement something similar themselves.