An adjective for a person who is new to a certain field/activity [duplicate]

I am looking for an adjective, a compound adjective or adjective phrase that would fill in the blanks below

He is a [...] stamp collector.
= He recently became a stamp collector.

She is a [...] mailwoman.
= She recently became a mailwoman.

The meaning I am looking for is that of a person being new to an activity, which is now performed by them regularly, in a positive sense.

Solution 1:

If you want to put people to sleep, you could say neophyte.


  • a beginner stamp collector
  • a just-starting-out stamp collector

  • a recently-hired letter carrier

  • a new-hire letter carrier

I wouldn't say new stamp collector. That could be someone who collects new stamps.

And Mailwoman isn't as common an expression as letter carrier—a term invented to correct the sexist (and redundant) mailman. (Of course the man's a male. Come on.)

Solution 2:

A beginner or novice is a “tyro”.

The Latin root word (also “tyro”) means a new recruit / inexperienced soldier.