How do I stop my iPhone from being automounted?

So far the only way I've seen to not automount external devices is:

  1. Open up the terminal and type in:

  2. Scroll down to Nautilus -> Preferences -> Media Automount

  3. Uncheck the option for Media Automount

I tested after unchecking the Media Automount option without a system restart and it did not automatically mount my iPod but it was still listed under Places -> iPod and available for mounting which equals success.

I then un-mounted the iPod, restarted the system, and plugged my iPod back into the system. Once again it did not automatically mount and also once again was under Places -> iPod and available to be mounted.

I don't know if it is just a fluke or a bug you have but using gconf-editor worked for me so I'll suggest maybe you give it another shot?