What's the word for using alternative descriptions in place of a name?

There's a word for a replacement of a name with a description of that person, place or whatever thing the name belongs to. This is a very common rhetorical device (especially in newspapers and magazines) but I only once saw the name of this device, and I can't recall it.

For example, a journalist writing about Walt Disney might start out by calling him "Disney," but somewhere in the article you might find the journalist replacing the name with with a description, like so: "The media mogul said that he wanted to..."

Anyone know what word I'm talking about?

Solution 1:

How about antonomasia?

Substituting a descriptive phrase for a proper name, or substituting a proper name for a quality associated with it. (=periphrasis)


You must pray to heaven's guardian for relief.

He proved a Judas to the cause.

Source: Silva Rhetoricae: antonomasia