pub global activate command - $HOME/.pub-cache/bin not on path
I was trying to install dart2 recently, but when I try to install pub global activate stagehand
, it comes with a warning.
Warning: Pub installs executables into
, which is not on your path.
You can fix that by adding this to your shell's config file (.bashrc
, .bash_profile
, etc.):
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
so i went to my .bash_profile
file and added the above, and the file looks like this:
export PATH=/users/kevinau/dart/flutter/bin:$PATH
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
but then I run webdev
and the command is still not found.
can anyone walk me thru how to fix this?
I tried echo $PATH
and return the below:
but how do I fix it?
Solution 1:
I have just run the following command in my cmd
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
then I again run the command dart pub global activate fvm
and the error is gone. In my case, I am having the error during installing fvm package.
Solution 2:
Edit zshrc file using vim on terminal
vim ~/.zshrc
vim ~/.bashrc
edit data on zshrc after pressing "i" on keyboard. Export flutter location, aqueduct location and dart sdk location
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/Development/flutter/bin"
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/Development/flutter/.pub-cache/bin"
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/Development/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin"
After editing press "esc" key ~:wq
for saving
Check working of aqueduct using
aqueduct --version
aqueduct serve