Slowly losing my ability to speak English,and I have no idea how this happened [closed]

Solution 1:

Do Not Close This!!!

Sorry to flame out. I had much the same experience learning German back when and it is related to syntax(!) Just what we discuss here! In German v English the verbs get shoveled to the end of the sentence as they continue to arrive; past, past perfect and even more perfect. It is not unusual to learn how a thing is done, what flavour, color and style only to turn the page to find out what is actually done.

Such changes and differences in sentence structure you are not just learning about in the abstract but incorporating into your thinking. This is most interesting. These are giving you growing pains you have not had since you were a small toddler. The frustration then was fleeting and your illiterate (child) life could go on. Now you are vexed by the lack of clarity as well as the abundance of choices.

As a helper (?!) I would make use of two distinct pens. One would be only for English and the other for Polish. If you can make a habit of holding the English pen it may help cue you for the English you expect to use. The Polish pen will keep you thinking straight while you work on that. I've used similar cues for very different problems.

Do let us know how you make out since we are all about syntax (et al) here.