is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data?

The filter


which you included in the question is serialized to JSON version of the object

var myfilter = {
    groupOp: "AND",
    rules: [
        { field: "invdate", op: "gt", data: "2007-09-06" },
        { field: "invdate", op: "lt", data: "2007-10-04" },
        { field: "name",    op: "bw", data: "test"       }

which can be easy constructed dynamically:

// addPostDataFilters("AND");
var myfilter = { groupOp: "AND", rules: []};

// addFilteritem("invdate", "gt", "2007-09-06");

// addFilteritem("invdate", "lt", "2007-10-04");

// addFilteritem("name", "bw", "test");

// generate to top postdata filter code
var grid = $("#list");
    // all prarameters which you need
    search:true, // if you want to force the searching
    postData: { filters: JSON.stringify(myfilter)}

if the grid already exist you want to reload the grid with the settings you can use

grid[0] = myfilter.rules.length>0;

instead. The function JSON.stringify is supported by the most web browsers natively, but to be sure you should include json2.js on your page.