My fingers are cold when using my computer - solutions? [closed]

Solution 1:

Maybe you can use something like an USB powered hand warmer.

Although, I would try to solve the underlying problem. Cold fingers usually mean bad circulation there. Do you smoke? Perhaps you should move your chair or change your keyboard so that your blood flow is not restricted?

Solution 2:

Have you tried these?

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Solution 3:

I had similar problems a while ago and as many have pointed out, this is a circulation issue. The simple solution is: sport.

About a year ago, I started running regularly to recover from a surgery. Not only did it improve my well-being in general, but it also solved the cold hands issue and the blackouts when standing up. You don't have to do much, but a little workout will make you feel better. And who knows, you might even grow to like it.

Solution 4:

Pushups, just one or two every 15 minutes, if you can do it without your coworkers thinking you're mad. Otherwise, tighten your abs while you work. This will heat up your whole body, including your fingers.

Solution 5:

When it gets cold in my office (cheap building with leaky walls and windows) I wear knitted fingerless gloves. A bit awkward, and the tips of my fingers still get cold, but they do help a lot.