I have a Windows 7 machine that has been part of a Windows 2003 SBS domain for well over a year now.

When I arrived back to work today from about two weeks off, I powered up my machine and tried to log in with my domain credentials, Windows made a new profile for me. My original profile still exists, but I cannot associate it with my domain login anymore.

I have tried leaving/joining the domain, but that didn't fix it, and my system properties show that my machine is on the domain.

Is there a way I can reassociate my profile with the domain? I have admin rights on the local machine and on the domain, and I can access the domain controller, so I can do whatever I need.

Should I just go through the steps outlined in How to migrate local user to domain user? Try Easy Transfer?

It sounds like your local profile has become disassociated from your account. You can try this to fix it:

  1. While logged in with your domain account on the computer with containing your "broken" profile, run the following at a command prompt: whoami /user. Take note of the SID value.
  2. Reboot and log back in with a different account with local admin rights on this computer.
  3. Launch regedit and browse to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. Select the key named for your SID from step one.
  4. The ProfileImagePath value is probably pointing to the wrong path. Enter the correct value to your original profile path.
  5. Log out and log back in with your original domain account. Your profile should load properly.