Ubuntu 14.04: language switch between first/last source

In older versions of Ubuntu I used to switch between languages using last/first sources (e.g. Caps Lock always turn on English and Shift + Caps Lock switches to Russian, no matter what current language is).

But in 14.04 I can see only next/previous source options. Is there any way to set up good old last/first source switch?

Solution 1:

Has there really been a feature for switching between first and last source? To be honest I doubt it.

IBus has a feature for triggering and 'untriggering' the set input method, but it's disabled in later Ubuntu versions. Possibly that's what you are referring to.

As far as I know, in Ubuntu 14.04 you need to use some other IM framework, e.g. fcitx, to achieve exactly the behavior you describe.