1. First Doubt:

I will have broken for lunch by 12:30.

This above sentence is from a grammer book, I think will should be would, for eg,

I would have broken for lunch by 12:30.

Am I wrong?

2. Second Doubt:

also, here is another example from grammerly website explaining will vs would:

If aspirin will ease my headache, I will take a couple tonight instead of this horrible medicine.

I feel like this above sentence is wrong somehow, I think it should be reworded like this:

If aspirin could ease my headache, I would take a couple tonight instead of this horrible medicine.

Again, am I wrong? if yes, then why?

Thanks for any help.

Solution 1:

Both versions could be valid, depending on circumstances.

At 11 a.m. you could say "I will have broken for lunch by 12.30."

That afternoon, you could say "I would have broken for lunch by 12.30, but I was in a meeting which overran and I couldn't get away until 1.15."

As regards (2), the first version suggests that you think the aspirin will help, the second that you don't think it will and so you don't intend to try it.