How to set up firefox so that a new tab opens next to the currently open tab?

Is there a way (either through add-ons or preference tinkering?) to set up Firefox 17.0.1 (for Mac OS X) to open up new tabs next to the tab I am currently browsing in as opposed to at the end of my (often long) sequence of tabs?

UPDATE: I've tried making sure that browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent preference is set to true. It is, but tabs still open at the end of the line of tabs. I've also disabled all add-ons to make sure nothing was overriding this--- still no luck.

Solution 1:

Well, I've figured out the issue thanks to this site.

The config option browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent only affects tabs opened by a link from the current tab (hence the "related").

It seems that in order to get around this default Firefox behavior an add-on like Tab Control is needed.

Solution 2:

That should be the default behavior in newer versions of Firefox, but if it's not for some reason, try navigating to about:config and make sure the browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent preference is set to true.