Why some dragon claw doors do not open?

For some reasons I cannot open some dragon claw doors. I have the right dragon claw for the door, and I am putting the right code in but the door does not open, it just shoots poison darts at me.

It happened with the sapphire claw and one other, but I forget the color.

If all else fails, there's only 27 permutations to try. Brute force it.

Make sure first of all that you are using the correct claw, I know that may seem silly, but there are at least 6 different claws I've found in the game.

Secondly, go into your inventory, examine the claw that is required to open said door and flip around to the palm of the claw. Put the sequence in from top to bottom and try opening the door, if you are looking at the wrong claw for the sequence (ex.- your using the ruby claws sequence instead of the ebony claws (for the ebony door)) then that is most likely why you are getting shot by poison darts for inputting the wrong sequence. IF that is not the case, you may need to reset the game, meaning fully exit the game, restart it and load up your save file again, and proceed to enter the correct sequence again. It should work. If that still doesn't work then you are not supposed to be in that dungeon because it's related to a story quest that you haven't gotten to yet.

It is also possible in very rare cases that the game has broken down on a fundamental scale and the only way to fix this problem is through creating a new game, it sucks, but I have come across several instances where this happened to me. Mainly walking out of a house and being unable to move... and having a dragon choose that exact moment to attack. Short story, I died... a lot. If your character is not too high in level, probably anything before level 15 I would recommend just starting a new game. Or just don't worry about that dungeon.

If all else fails, you can do the following to pass through a door:

  • Get a wooden bowl and then drag it to the keyhole (hold activate button to drag).
  • Make sure the bottom of the bowl is facing you and crouch-walk veeeeery slowly up to it.
  • For a split-second you should be able to see through to the other room
  • Use your whirlwind shout!

I suggest wearing a amulet of talos, for it may take several tries and can be very frustrating (it took me an hour and a half, keep trying, there should be videos on how to cross walls with wooden bowls on youtube). It worked for me, I really do hope this will help you.

I've faced this same bug. It was definitely the right claw and the right order of symbols, and it triggered the trap. So it's a slightly different bug than the one where it doesn't do anything, but it definitely exists. I don't know that brute forcing it would work.

I loaded the autosave from going into the inn where you get the sapphire dragon claw, tried it again, and it worked from there.