How do I share my Ditto clipboard with multiple machines on my network?

I'm using Ditto Clipboard Manager and wish to share the clipboard on multiple machines on my home network. I've heard that you can do this but haven't found any help on it.

You know... you might be able to do it with DropBox.

  1. Install DropBox and set up an account. You get 2 GB for free.
  2. Change Ditto Database Path (in Options) to your Shared DropBox folder
  3. That will now be available to all other computers in which you have your DropBox running.

Yes you must be running Ditto on every machine, that you want to share on the network.

  • Right click on the Ditto ball & select Options
  • go to the Friends tab & put ALL names you wish to share or use their IP's; separate each one with a semicolon.
  • go down to the bottom & insert each one of the machines into the Send All to; make sure there is an X in Send All.
  • Once that is done go to the Exporting machine; Bring up the Ditto Window, however you wish; either by Left clicking on Ditto Ball or using Hot Keys.
  • Then use Control CTL + A to select All clips on your clipboard;
  • then right click on anywhere on the Ditto Pop-Up Window & use the Send To Option in the Pop-Up Menu. There you have it Sent All Clips To Network Machine.

Bring up the list (Ctrl + ' or whatever). Right click and export. Save file and transfer to other machine. You can then import by right clicking on the notification icon.

As for syncing automatically, there is the friends tab in options but I don't really think it helps. You can specify the database location though, so maybe setting that as the same network location for all machines could work?

You can do what David said, or you can install the portable version, and create links in the startup folder to run the same version on both machines. Works like a charm!