Solution 1:

This article suggests creating the following registry value:


Or you can try downloading the registry file with this setting in it from here (source). I haven't yet used Office 2013, however, so I can't verify that this works.

Since someone asked, I did some more research on the issue. I found this Microsoft blog where the author describes three ways to enforce this setting:

  1. The registry, as above.

  2. In Outlook, go Options --> Advanced --> Display --> Disable hardware graphics acceleration. This makes @Niko's answer below correct as well. I've confirmed that enabling and disabling this option changes the data for the DisableAnimations registry value (0x1 for checked, 0x0 for unchecked).

  3. Group policy ADM. If you use the Office 2013 group policy templates, the "Do not use hardware graphics acceleration" policy can be enabled.

Solution 2:

The solution is to disable Hardware acceleration from 'Options / Advanced'

Solution 3:

Try the following:

Control Panel\Ease of Access\Ease of Access Center\Make the computer easier to see\Make things on the screen easier to see\Turn off all unnecessary animations