Why is natural logarithm abbreviated to ln? [closed]

From BetterExplained.com:

Speaking of fancy, the Latin name is logarithmus naturali[s], giving the abbreviation ln.

MathematicsSE has the question 'How did the notation ln for log base e become so pervasive?'. Dan Velleman posts:

... Wikipedia claims that the ln notation was invented by Stringham in 1893. I have seen this claim in other places as well. However, I recently came across an earlier reference. In 1875, in his book Lehrbuch der Mathematik, Anton Steinhauser suggested denoting the natural logarithm of a number a by "log. nat. a (spoken: logarithmus naturalis a) or ln. a" (p. 277). This lends support to the theory that "ln" stands for "logarithmus naturalis."

There is little there in the way of an answer to why the usage became well established.