Favor format over String#% rubocop

Solution 1:

First of all, this is not about string interpolation, but about string formatting. The RuboCop Ruby style guide says:

Favor the use of sprintf and its alias format over the fairly cryptic String#% method.

This would mean changing

request_url ||= URI_FORMATS[:home_page] % {
  base_uri:  AppConfig.test_api['base_url'],
  end_point: AppConfig.test_api['end_points']['home_page'],
  client_id: AppConfig.test_api['client_id'],


request_url ||= format(
  base_uri:  AppConfig.test_api['base_url'],
  end_point: AppConfig.test_api['end_points']['home_page'],
  client_id: AppConfig.test_api['client_id'],