Are Launchpad bugs in a way moderated?

Is Launchpad (in general) moderated?

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what about ubuntu bugs?

Solution 1:

Bug 45419 asks for a way for users to report posts/comments/content as spam or abuse. At the moment there is no formal mechanism but you can as in #launchpad or file a support question against Launchpad itself.

Solution 2:

For new bug reports on Launchpad the terminology is triaging, rather than moderating.

Triaging gives bugs a relative importance and priority, in addition to categorising them against the correct part of Ubuntu. You can read more about the triaging facilities at:


Occasionally (but very rarely) patent nonsense gets filed in Launchpad, in which case it is marked "Invalid"—being impossible to process further. Marketing spam added as comments to existing bug reports may also be deleted.

Does that answer your query? Is there any area that you're still interested in, or which you'd like expanding with more detail?

Solution 3:

Is it moderated? Well depends upon what you mean by "Moderated". Is it customizable in regards to team creation and management? Yes, you can moderate your team(s) and/or project(s) on Launchpad. Quite easily too once you get the hang of it. But in general usage, difficult to say. Anyone can go look at the site and browse but to do anything you do actually have to register and confirm your account. From there it's pretty much "Have at it..." at least to me.

Solution 4:

Mostly not. Launchpad relies heavily on the community: bad bug reports are marked as invalid and simply forgotten.

For bad comments theres no "report button" but you can request removal on Launchpad Answers atleast for spam.