User authentication and authorisation in ASP.NET MVC [closed]
What is the best method for user authorisation/authentication in ASP.NET MVC?
I see there are really two approaches:
- Use the built-in ASP.NET authorisation system.
- Use a custom system with my own User, Permission, UserGroup tables etc.
I'd prefer the second option, because User is part of my domain model (and I have zero experience with ASP.NET's built-in stuff), but I'd really like to hear what people have been doing in this area.
There is actually a third approach. The membership functionality is based on the provider model. You can write a custom provider, thus being able to provide your own implementation for how the data is stored, but retaining much of the benefit of membership.
Some articles on the subject:
Go with custom. MembershipProvider is way too heavy for my tastes. Yes it's possible to implement it in a simplified way, but then you get a really bad smell of NotSupportedException or NotImplementedException.
With a totally custom implementation you can still use IPrincipal, IIdentity and FormsAuth. And really how hard is it do your own login page and such?
The easiest way is to use user names as role names. You can write your own authorizarion attribute to handle authorization:
public class CustomAuthorizationAttribute:AuthorizeAttribute
public CustomAuthorizationAttribute():base()
Users = "registereduser";
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
//You must check if the user has logged in and return true if he did that.
return (bool)(httpContext.Session["started"]??false);
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Redirect("SessionManagement/Index/?returningURL=" +
The code must handle the AuthorizeCore to return true if the user has started the session, and HandleUnauthorizedRequest to redirect the user to the login page (optionaly you can attach the returning url).
In then controller methods that need authorization, set the attribute over them:
public class SecretPageController {
ActionResult Index() {
//Method that requires authorization
return View();
Also set the authorization method to "Forms" in the web config.
<forms timeout="120"></forms>
public SessionManagementController:Controller {
public ActionResult Index(string returningURL)
return View("Index", new SessionModel() { ReturningURL = returningURL});
public ActionResult Index(SessionModel mod)
if (UserAuthenticated(mod.UserName, mod.Password))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("registereduser", false);
if (mod.UrlRetorno != null)
return Redirect(mod.ReturningURL);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "StartPage");
mod.Error = "Wrong User Name or Password";
return View(mod);
bool UserAuthenticated(string userName, string password) {
//Write here the authentication code (it can be from a database, predefined users,, etc)
return true;
public ActionResult FinishSession()
HttpContext.Session.Clear();//Clear the session information
return View(new NotificacionModel() { Message = "Session Finished", URL = Request.Url.ToString() });
In the Controller, when the user enters its user name and password, set the forms authentication cookie to TRUE (FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("registereduser",true)), signaling the user name (registereduser in the example) to be authenticathed. Then the user signs out, tell ASP.NET to do so calling FormsAuthentication.SignOut().
class SessionModel {
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
public string Error {get;set;}
Use a model to store the user data.
View (that presents the SessionModel type):
<div class="editor-label">
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.UserName) %>
<div class="editor-field">
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.UserName) %>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.UserName) %>
<div class="editor-label">
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Password) %>
<div class="editor-field">
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Password) %>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Password) %>
<div class="field-validation-error"><%:Model==null?"":Model.Error??"" %></div>
<%:Html.HiddenFor(model=>model.ReturningURL) %>
<input type="submit" value="Log In" />
Use a view to get the data. In this example, there is a hidden field to store the returning URL
I hope this helps (I had to translate the code, so I'm not sure if it is 100% correct).
Yet another approach is to use ASP.NET membership for authentication, link your User class to ASP.NET members, and use your User class for more granular permissions. We do this, because it allows changing authentication providers very easily, while still retaining the ability to have a complex permission system.
In general, it's worth remembering that authentication/identity and storing permissions are not necessarily the same problem.
You may be interested in RPX for a free API to authenticate your users
Try the ASP.Net MVC Membership Starter Kit for an administrative API
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