Tool to assist loading servers into a rack?

Solution 1:

Why is everyone giving the wrong answer?

It's called a scissor lift:


They make servers that are hundreds of pounds. Lots of storage arrays are far more than that. There comes a time when you don't want to rely on hands that were, most likely, just reaching for greasy potato chips.

Use the actual tool if server lifting is an issue.

Solution 2:

It sounds like a silly question at first, but its actually an important health and safety point - ideally the person / people doing the lifting should be wearing safety boots even if a special hoist is used, and should be trained in whatever technique/tools they're using.

We use a wheeled trolley (like this one - make sure you get one with brakes) to move servers and we lift directly from that if its going into the top half of a rack, but other than that we just use the appropriate amount of people to do the lifting rather than anything fancy.

There are tools out there that are designed exactly for safely lifting, installing and removing heavy equipment from racks, and these are the ideal solution. Certainly something I personally think should be present in a busy datacentre where lots of hardware changes need to take place.

Solution 3:

The Mk 1 human head. Always worked well for me.