Solution 1:

You've encountered the "Ready for Rebuild" error. This likely indicates that the drive can't finish its rebuild because the disk you replaced is having trouble reading from its partner drive. Essentially this means that you may have a failed disk and a failing disk.

I'm curious as to how you discovered the drive failure? Did you receive an alert? A pre-failure alert? Did you only notice when the disk health LED went red? How long had the drive been in a failed state before you replaced it?

Please post the full output from the hpacucli utility or a screenshot of your Array Configuration Utility. What operating system are you using?

If you have the HP System Management Homepage, you can watch the error counters on individual drives and see if they're incrementing.

Check your backups and be prepared to copy the data off the system or rebuild, as you may not be able to get out of this situation.

Also see: Force LUN in a HP Smart Array to rebuild